Malappuram has been at the receiving end of much hate propaganda over the years. Remember the latest case of this when an elephant died in the adjacent Palakkad district and a lot of people made merry attacking Malappuram?
Well, a recent incident disproved everything the media tells you about Malappuram.
Soon after the plane crash at the Karipur airport in Malappuram district, hundreds of locals rushed to the spot for rescue efforts, unmindful of the fact that the flight is filled with people who might be COVID-19 positive. In this pandemic, the people in flights from overseas have to undergo 2 weeks quarantine. In spite of knowing this fact, the people of Malappuram were quick to rescue these people from the wreckage while holding the scared children closely and taking them to the hospital.
Whatsapp groups were used effectively to co-ordinate rescue operations, to get enough ambulances and also to get blood of the required groups. It was the involvement of the locals, amid heavy rains, that enabled the rescue operation to be completed in two hours, even before professionals reached the spot for rescue operations.
It is easy to spew venom in whatsapp and twitter, against a people about whom you have no idea about. All you need is to be a part of an IT cell whatsapp group, where you will get enough material to target specific regions or religions. But to go out on the ground like this and risk one's own life, without anyone even asking you to go, requires atleast an ounce of humanity in your heart.
So remember the next time someone sends you a fake hate message against Malappuram or any other place or about people of any religion.... you could either believe it according to your convenience or do some fact checking and be a better human being.